Replacing a 40 year old sound system is easy. Creating something that provides intelligibility in a room built for reverb is something different.
When Father Preciado went to make a major tech upgrade he came to us. We designed an automated mixing system based on the Symnmet Solus 16. All microphones route to the Solus, and no tech operator is needed.
We installed a point-source array of Fulcrum DX1265 speakers shading the bottom box so there is even coverage from front to rear in this large ambient church.
The day we were performing final tuning, Father Preciado walked every row left to right as we were testing the microphones. He came up and said "It sounds the same in every seat and I can hear every word". They hadn't experienced that type of sound in the 50 years the building has been in use.
“It sounds the same in every seat and I can hear every word.”